Seriously. If you love animals, don’t purchase these handbags. Armadillos are not just found dead and turned into cute purses. They are murdered for profit.
]]>Seriously. If you love animals, don’t purchase these handbags. Armadillos are not just found dead and turned into cute purses. They are murdered for a sick person’s profit.
]]>Seriously. If you love animals, don’t purchase these handbags. Armadillos are not just found dead and turned into cute purses. They are murdered for a sick person’s profit.
]]>I know where one is for sale in a nearby store for $50. I am in Canada however.
]]>I just love it; it’s lined with a maroon felt-type material and in perfect condition. Good idea about adding brass feet to it; I’ll do that. I just hope I won’t get hassled “wearing” it in San Francisco!