Humuhumu creates websites for a living. She’s done all sorts of sites — you can see ‘em at her portfolio.
Before doing websites, she did computational & systems biology, business development for nuclear medicine, once upon a time she had an Internet startup (but didn’t we all), and when she was a young’un, she worked for Pagliacci Pizza, which she misses dearly.
She’s been creating database-driven applications for fun & profit for nearly half her life. Which is kind of weird.
Some of her personal websites include Critiki (a worldwide guide to tiki & Polynesian Pop), Humu Kon Tiki (a tiki news & info blog) and Ooga-Mooga (tiki mug collections). She’s also got an insane number of photographs up at Humuhumu’s Life in Photos.
Humuhumu likes bacon and mayonnaise and brie, and maple sugar candy. She also likes tiki bars, Disneyland, teeny vintage clothes, and especially Hanford Lemoore.
She spent nearly 30 years growing up in Seattle (plus a year in Hawaii when she was five), but considers L.A. her hometown; she’s currently parked in the heart of Silicon Valley.
Humuhumu can be contacted at [email protected].