Death to Comic Sans
A movement I can get behind — a call to halt the chronic infestation of the horrid typeface Comic Sans:
Like the tone of a spoken voice, the characteristics of a typeface convey meaning. The design of the typeface is, in itself, its voice. Often this voice speaks louder than the text itself. Thus when designing a “Do Not Enter” sign the use of a heavy-stroked, attention-commanding font such as Impact or Arial Black is appropriate. Typesetting such a message in Comic Sans would be ludicrous. Though this is sort of misuse is frequent, it is unjustified. Clearly, Comic Sans as a voice conveys silliness, childish naivete, irreverence, and is far too casual for such a purpose. It is analogous to showing up for a black tie event in a clown costume.
And it’s not even a very good clown costume.
[...] is actually a tiny little color screen that can display any image on it. Now when typing with Comic Sans your keyboard will actually reflect [...]
posted on May 21st, 2007 at 1:35 am