Lose Weight Fast, the Mackerel Way

A Weight Watchers recipe card from 1974
Wendy McClure found a collection of Weight Watchers recipe cards in her parents’ basement a few years back — no one in the family would admit to having purchased them, and she got to keep them. Photos of midcentury food are always a spectacle, but it’s her addition of MST3K-like commentary that really makes it something else. Not that the recipe cards need much help being ridiculous, with names like Snappy Mackerel Casserole, Fluffy Mackerel Pudding, and the relatively straight-forward Mackerelly. Weight Watchers was really pushing the mackerel.
I first saw these when they were posted on Tiki Central a few years ago; Tiki Wahine brought the thread up again the other day with a new link (the old one had died). Now Wendy McClure has a book out of these culinary masterpieces, The Amazing Mackerel Pudding Plan. I actually kind of want to make the Frankfurter Spectacular.
Looking at this gave me a flashback to going through my mother’s kitchen cabinets. My mother never gets rid of anything, so even though i grew up in the 80′s, my parent’s house was probably looked just like it did in 1974. She has tons of these, and old cookbooks going back to the 50s. I just gave her a call to tip her off on trying to sell off some of these on ebay. Surely someone collects vintage cookbooks.
posted on October 25th, 2007 at 4:41 pm
Looking at this gave me a flashback to going through my mother’s kitchen cabinets. My mother never gets rid of anything, so even though i grew up in the 80′s, my parent’s house probably looked just like it did in 1974. She has tons of these, and old cookbooks going back to the 50s. I just gave her a call to tip her off on trying to sell off some of these on ebay. Surely someone collects vintage cookbooks.
posted on October 25th, 2007 at 4:41 pm