All The Way To Banana Splitsville!
I recently discovered a few cool things.
1. There’s a Hard Rock theme park.
2. In said theme park is a section called Banana Splitsville.
Sadly there’s not much info or photos of it on the web yet, but apparently the Splits themselves perform there several times a day. Can anyone help me out?

3. The Ben & Jerry’s Banana Split ice cream changed their logo to something that does not infringe on the Splits. Hopefully photos will be coming soon. (thanks Humu for the tip!).
And perhaps a little less cool:
4. The Banana Splits have updated their website, and recorded new videos and songs, which are on sale on iTunes, if you’re so inclined!. Sadly, they sound nothing like their old selves.
Check out JYC’s other Banana Splits posts:
Ben & Jerry’s Steals Banana Split’s Logo
Rare Banana Splits Stuff
The bridge in Bob Marley’s “Buffalo Soldier” always makes me smile, thanks to the Banana Split’s Theme song.
posted on September 11th, 2008 at 9:10 am